CNN - Video: France bans ultra-thin models
CNN - Video: Israel bans too-skinny models
No Photoshop Campaign on Facebook
Winter 2013 Campaign on Facebook (Hebrew)
Winter 2013 Campaign on Facebook
Ad in Israel Hayom from 8.12.2013
Photoshop law on the Knesset website
Photoshop law on the Simply You website
CNN - Video: France bans ultra-thin models
Livingly - Here's How the 'Real/Unreal Project' is Promoting Real Beauty and Real Women in Ads
aufeminin - Cet ancien photographe de mode s'engage contre l'abus de Photoshop
gofeminin - Schluss mit Photoshop: Diese Kampagne will Retusche in Werbeaufnahmen verbieten
taofeminino - Real/Unreal: a campanha que aposta em uma publicidade sem retoques digitais
NetMums - Is the world finally getting real about women's bodies?
Israel Channel 2 - Mivhan Bagrut
Israel Channel 2 News - The Thinness Dream
Israel Channel 10 News - Barbie Girls
Israel Channel 10 News - The price of the Beauty Ideal
Israel Channel 10 News - Anorexia in Midlife
Israel Channel 10 News - Nonstop War
Israel Channel 2 News - Beauty is in self love
Israel Channel 2 News - The Thinness Obsession
Yedioth Ahronot - Examplary City
Ynet - Anorexic girls vs Castro
Ynet - Photoshop law comes into force
Ynet - "Model law" is underway
Xnet - Adi Barkan compares anorexia to the Holocaust
Israel Channel 2 News - New campaign compares anorexia to the Holocaust
Israel Channel 2 News - New campaign compares anorexia to the Holocaust
Xnet - H&M admit: Our models are too thin
StyleList - H&M spokesperson: 'Our models are too thin'
mako - "People think I'm crazy because I'm thin"
103FM - Adi Barkan on the Gabi Gazit show
Israel Channel 1 - Interview with Adi Barkan
Israel Channel 1 News - The price of Eating Disorders
Israel Channel 2 News - The end of underweight models in ads?
NRG - Is there a connection between Anorexia and celebrity fandom
Xnet - Adi Barkan to a model: If you're a star, you have a certain responsibility
News1 - Isreal does not try to deal with Eating Disorders
Megafon - A Scientific proof for the Photoshop law
103FM - The Gabi Gazit show: A model attacks Adi Barkan
The - H&M: 'Our fashion models are too thin'
YouTube - BlueStar: Too Thin Is No Longer In
Israel Channel 2 Morning Show - Interview with Adi Barkan
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - A new model for Israeli fashion models
ABC News - Israeli Law Bans Skinny, BMI-Challenged Models - Will Israel’s new anorexia law be the model for our fashion industry? - Video: Countries consider banning models who are 'too skinny'
Columbia Undergraduate Law Review - HOW SKINNY IS TOO SKINNY?
Greatist - Analyzing Israel's New Law Preventing Anorexic Fashion Models
sofeminine - Israel's new BMI model law: Is it fair?
But the media told me to… - SHOULD WE REGULATE BMI?
CCTV - Models take healthy approach to weight
CCTV - Video: Models take healthy approach to weight
WPUNJ HerCampus - Underweight models banned?
The Times of Israel - Mirror, Mirror – Stop with the Misleading Photos
Reuters - Israel bans use of ultra-skinny models
Reuters - Video: Israel bans underweight models
Washington Times - New Israeli law bans underweight models in ads
Washington Times - Israeli law cites super-thin models as bad examples
The Atlantic - What the U.S. Can—and Can't—Learn From Israel's Ban on Ultra-Thin Models
ANAD - New Israeli law bans underweight models in ads as government tries to fight eating disorders
Haaretz - Underweight models are banned from ads
mako - Want to star in a commercial? Prove you're not underweight.
Walla - Photoshop law is approved
Ynet - Photoshop law is approved